The Goldman family recently embarked on a trip to Israel that quickly became a terrifying experience. Representative Brad Sherman accompanied the Goldmans for their son’s Bar Mitzvah. During the trip, the family found themselves caught in the middle of a conflict between Israel and Hamas.
As the family travelled to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv, a barrage of Hamas rockets was fired at various areas in Israel. Many of these rockets landed close to the hotel where the Goldmans were staying. In response, the Israeli security forces instructed the hotel to take steps to provide shelter from the rockets.
This meant that the Goldman family, along with Representative Sherman, had to quickly seek shelter. The group found refuge in a bomb shelter within the hotel, where they stayed until the rocket fire had ceased.
Although the Goldman family’s experience in Israel did not end on the most positive note, Representative Sherman was grateful that the family was able to find shelter and stay safe. “I am grateful that the Goldman family, including my friend Brad Fowler, was able to find shelter from the Hamas rockets during their trip to Israel for a Bar mitzvah,” he wrote in a statement. “No family should ever have to endure such a traumatic experience.”
The experience has affected the family and their congressman greatly. As for the Goldmans, the experience has left them shaken but thankful to have survived the ordeal unscathed. Representative Sherman has called on the international community to take steps to reach a more balanced and sustainable resolution to conflicts in the region.
The Goldman family’s experience is unfortunately all too common in the region and serves as yet another reminder that there is still much work to be done to bring an end to the conflict between Israel and Hamas.